Issue Position: Creating an Environment for Job Creation

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Our economy has been stagnant for too long, and although we are starting to see signs of recovery there is still a long way to go. I've fought to implement policies that foster job growth, not hinder it:

- Filed legislation (H2546) to help reduce the tax burden for small businesses start-ups.
- Co-sponsored legislation creating a strong business climate through a Small Business Incubator (H164) and angel investor tax credits (H2536 -- a bill that has its origins from my direct discussions with a constituent).
- Freezing Unemployment Insurance rates that, if left unchecked, can have a devastating effect on hiring.
- Co-sponsoring initiatives that created a "Small Business Bill of Rights".
- Convened a series of round tables with colleagues and businesses that ultimately pressured the legislature to eliminate a newly enacted "Tech-tax" on our vibrant technology sector.
